*During open hours only
There are times in which patients may need to learn about the methods of dental extractions available at in the Franklin, OH area. Our dentists can educate patients not only on the methods of extraction used, but also the reason behind needing them. What is a dental extraction? Our dentists describe a dental extraction as […]
There are times when patients in the Franklin, OH area may be faced with the need for extracting natural teeth. Many of our patients at K & E Advanced Dentistry will ask our team about what they can expect for extractions when they are recommended. What is an extraction? Extractions are the removal of natural […]
Wisdom teeth earned the name because they cut through the gums when a person is older and potentially wiser, usually between the age of 17 and 25. For some patients, wisdom teeth cause problems that require oral surgery and extraction. The K & E Advanced Dentistry team in Franklin, OH, understands that talking about extraction […]