Patient Education
The field of dentistry is continually evolving with new materials, techniques, and perspectives revealed almost daily. At K&E Advanced Dentistry, we keep our skills and mindsets current with continuing education courses, industry journals, and membership in dental associations. However, we know that you also need current information to make sensible dental healthcare decisions. Each procedure section of this website, and the online dental library shown below provides helpful information for a healthy mouth, overall wellness, and a beautiful smile. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions or would like additional explanation on any topic.
Glossary of Dental Terms
- Bonding Procedures
- Cosmetic Contouring
- Cosmetic Fillings
- Crowns and Bridges
- Dental Implants
- Dental Veneers
- Excessive or Uneven Gums
- Soft Tissue Grafts
- Specialty Dentures
- An Abscessed Tooth
- Bruxism (teeth grinding)
- Bulimia Nervosa
- Cavities and Tooth Decay
- Cold and Canker Sores
- Diabetes
- Dry Mouth
- Fluorosis
- Gingivitis (gum disease)
- Halitosis (bad breath)
- Impacted Wisdom Teeth
- Jaw Disorders
- Lacerations and Cuts
- Oral Cancer
- Plaque
- Tooth Sensitivity
- Toothaches
- Braces (orthodontia)
- Bridges
- Cosmetic Dentistry
- Crowns
- Dentures
- Extractions
- Flap Surgery
- Jaw/TMJ
- Maxillofacial Surgery
- Missing Teeth
- Root Canal Therapy
- Scaling and Root Planing
- Sealants
- Choosing a Toothbrush
- Mouth Guards – Occlusal Guards and Under Armour Sports Guards
- Oral Health Products: MI Paste, Arrestin, Peridex, Flouoridex
- Oral Irrigation Devices (“Waterpik”)
- Types of Floss
- Introduction
- Age and Oral Health
- Fillings
- Fluoride
- Infection Control
- Latex Allergy
- Medication and Heart Disease
- Oral Piercing
- The Preventive Program
- Tobacco
- An Overview of Pain Management
- Air Abrasion
- Anesthesia
- Managing Pain
- Medications
- Brushing Teeth
- Denture Care
- Emergency Care
- Flossing Facts
- Fluoride Information
- Mouth Rinses
- Nutrition and Your Teeth
- Sealants
- Seniors and Oral Health
- Tips for Children
- What is tooth decay?
- Women and Tooth Care
- X-rays
- Dental Emergencies
- Your First Dental Visit
- Your Rights as a Patient
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