TMJ/TMD: Compassionate Care for TMJ-TMD in Franklin Area

Cheerless woman having toothache

If you suffer from problems with your jaw – popping and clicking sounds, reduced mobility, pain, or headaches – you’ve probably heard, “It’s all in your head.” Technically, that is correct, but your discomfort is real. Our dental team has the advanced technologies to accurately diagnose your condition, and the human warmth to treat your TMJ-TMD symptoms with compassion. Patients in Franklin, surrounding communities, and well beyond come to K&E Advanced Dentistry. for TMJ-TMD care.

Advanced diagnostics

Your temporomandibular joints are the points just under each ear that hinge your lower jaw to your skull. When these joints are out of balance, symptoms may mimic other health conditions. We utilize the latest diagnostic technology to examine the bite and jaw joints.

Treatment of TMD

Your dentist works with you to design a customized treatment plan for relief of temporomandibular joint disorders that may include a combination of:

  • Wearing a small oral appliance called a bite guard, while you sleep, to reduce clenching and grinding.
  • Cold compresses.
  • Anti-inflammatory medications.
  • Prescription muscle relaxants.
  • Biofeedback.
  • Physical therapy that you can do at home.
  • Relaxation techniques to reduce stress – yoga, meditation, or physical activity.

We have achieved excellent results with these strategies, but be assured that your wellbeing is our top priority. If the dentist feels that your condition warrants further evaluation, you will be referred to a trusted specialist.

Without treatment, TMJ-TMD can damage teeth and bone structures in the mouth, and contribute to gum disease. At our office in Franklin, we know that your pain is real. Our goal is to help you avoid the need for orthodontics or surgery with gentle, effective therapies. Call (855) 912-7677 for information.

Dr. Mamta Kori offers Compassionate Care for TMJ/TMD

Dr. Mamta Kori offers Compassionate Care for TMJ/TMD
Dr. Mamta Kori from K & E Advanced Dentistry in Franklin, OH says most patients with TMJ/TMD can be treated by wearing a Nightguard and some may need Botox therapy. If you are diagnosed with TMJ/TMD, consult Dr. Mamta Kori to discuss the best treatment option for you.

How is TMJ/TMD diagnosed?

When patients present with some joint pain, a lot of people call it TMJ/TMD. We check to make sure they can open wide enough if there is any wear on their teeth.

What are the available treatment options?

A lot of patients can be treated by wearing a nightguard.
Some patients have more pain and may need Botox therapy which puts the muscles that clench and grind to sleep, so no one would know they have had Botox, but they are not able to clench their muscles much because they are sleeping.

Can both methods be used together?

A lot of patients also require that combination, of the Botox therapy and the sleep appliance.