Cosmetic Veneers  vs.  Dental Crowns

Discover the differences between cosmetic veneers and dental crowns and how each can transform your smile at K&E Advanced Dentistry.

Veneers are ultra-thin porcelain shells bonded to the front surface of teeth. They conceal imperfections like discoloration, chips, or gaps, providing a natural, uniform appearance.

What are Cosmetic Veneers?

Advantages of Cosmetic Veneers

Veneers offer several advantages, including minimal tooth alteration, durability, and stain resistance. They also provide a quick solution for achieving a brighter, more symmetrical smile.

Cosmetic Veneers Procedure

The veneer procedure involves a consultation visit, tooth preparation, impression taking, and placement. After custom fabrication in a lab, veneers are bonded to the teeth, transforming your smile in just a few visits.

Dental crowns, or caps, cover the entire tooth to restore its shape, size, strength, and appearance. They can be made from various materials, including porcelain, zirconia, or metal alloys.

What are Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns offer unparalleled durability and strength, making them ideal for heavily damaged or weakened teeth. They provide lasting protection and can improve both function and aesthetics.

Advantages of Dental Crowns

Getting a dental crown often requires two appointments. During the first visit, the tooth is prepared, impressions are taken, and a temporary crown is placed. The permanent crown is fitted and bonded in place at the second visit.

Dental Crown Procedure

to schedule a consultation and embark on your journey to a brighter, more confident smile.

Whether you opt for veneers or dental crowns, our team at K&E Advanced Dentistry is dedicated to helping you achieve the smile of your dreams. Contact us at

Your Smile Transformation Begins