Preventive Dentistry:

Your Key to Lasting Oral Health

Discover how K&E Advanced Dentistry in Franklin is committed to preventing dental problems. Our team is dedicated to keeping your smile healthy through effective preventive dentistry.

The Power of

Professional Cleanings

Why are professional cleanings crucial? Our specialized hygiene team at  K&E Advanced Dentistry uses advanced instruments to eliminate bacteria and plaque in hard-to-reach areas. Early detection during these visits ensures economical and comfortable solutions.

Beyond Brushing:

Additional Preventive Measures

Unlock the benefits of a lifelong healthy mouth with fluoride treatments, dental sealants, and custom-fit mouth guards. From strengthening enamel to protecting against sports injuries, we have you covered at  K&E Advanced Dentistry.

Your Partner in

Oral Health

Maintain a bacteria-free environment with periodontal maintenance at K&E Advanced Dentistry. Our deep cleaning appointments are tailored to your oral needs, preventing harmful bacteria from repopulating.

Quality Oral

Healthcare Products On-site

At K&E Advanced Dentistry, conveniently access professional-grade products like Peridex™ oral rinse, Prevident® toothpaste, MI Paste™, Waterpik® flossers, and ergonomic electric toothbrushes.

Specialized Treatments for

Gum Disease

Discover our effective nonsurgical approach to gum disease with scaling and root planing. Arestin, an FDA-approved antibiotic, complements the process, offering fast and comfortable results for up to 21 days.

Take Charge of

Your Smile Today

Make K&E Advanced Dentistry your partner in maintaining optimal oral health.

Call us in Franklin at

Together, let's create a plan for a healthy, confident smile that lasts a lifetime.